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A Outreach Activity and Function of The Save Our Sons Outreach Center!

Urban Disciples is one our feature initiatives & programs as it utilizes our core perspectives toward engagement and interaction: Outreach, Mentorship, Leadership and Peer-Mentorship.

Sisters of Standard our initiative that is focused on empowering women, young adults, and girls utilizes these same core principles and values.

Urban Disciples utilize hip hop culture in an organic and system to suggest positive and productive perspectives; and as a tool toward behavioral modification

The Urban Disciples Initiative employs and mobilize youth utilizing its three strategic components: 

            I.      OUTREACH


a.      Street Block: At-Risk adults, young adults and youth will be engaged through one-on-one interaction by peer group representatives introducing the system of conduct, explaining the need for change explaining how to change.  Some of these outreach efforts will be video recorded, dependent on the receptiveness of each individual case. The footage gathered will be used in collaborative projects such as online podcasts, music videos, learning and training programs. Other methods will include public advocacy through the performing arts, brochures, online music streams, seminars, and music festivals.


b.     Jail Block: Religious services conducted through Hip Hop culture & Faith Based Initiatives. Informing the inmate population of the possibility of representing the culture positively, and of the support of waiting on the outside. Were plausible and possible alternative music were be afforded the inmate population where and when available.



a.      Receptive listeners will be invited to embark in an inductive training series that will further enlighten and liberate.

b.     Fellowship will be cultivated through working through a creative process alongside lay leaders and peers.

1.      Interested supporters will be invited to partake in the production process of the music video show. Receiving training in Studio Camera, Field Camera, Editing, Audio etc.

2.      Rap practitioners will have the opportunity to practice their craft with peers who have ascribed to the new method of behavior modification, in preparation for outreach. Aspiring artists will be instructed in the areas of:

·        Song Composition

·        Music Engineering

·        Production

·        Presentation & Delivery

3.      Adherents will escort peers and lay leaders on outreach tours.



Successful adherents will be placed in lay leadership roles.

·        Outreach Captains

·        Spokespersons

·        Mentor

·        Studies Coordinators

·        Music production Coordinators

·        T.V. / Online Show host/co-hosts

What is Peer- Mentorship!?

Guided by seasoned cultural representatives youth are encouraged to use their gifts in artistic-cultural expressions. Together through the study of Hip Hop music theory, history, development, song composition, production and actual musical performance; the youth inter into process of positive peer-to-peer influence. The idea is to make these process as informal as possible and through "doing of it" together they create atmospheres of positive energy positive "peer pressure".

Peer mentoring is a collaborative relationship between two individuals with similar backgrounds or experiences, where one person offers guidance and support to the other. Here's a breakdown:

Key features:

  • Similar age or experience level:  Peer mentors and mentees are typically close in age or share similar experiences, creating a sense of relatability and understanding.

  • Mutual benefit:  While the mentee gains knowledge and support, the mentor often develops leadership and communication skills, and may gain new perspectives.

  • Less formal than traditional mentoring:  Compared to traditional mentor-mentee relationships, peer mentoring is usually less structured and hierarchical.

Common settings:

  • School: Upperclassmen mentoring underclassmen in high school or college, students guiding new students through hip hop culture and social transitions.

  • Home Life: youth and young adults are encouraged by their peers how to honor parental guidance or to cope with less the optimal settings

  • Personal development: Individuals facing similar challenges (e.g., negative peer-pressure, drug use, bullying, gangs) supporting each other through shared experiences.

Benefits of peer mentoring:

  • Mentee: Gains guidance, support, and practical advice from someone who has "been there."

  • Mentor: Develops leadership and communication skills, strengthens knowledge through explaining it to others, gains new perspectives.

  • Both:  Experience increased confidence, personal growth, and a sense of belonging in a community.

Important note: Peer mentoring is not the same as senior-to-junior mentoring, where a more experienced individual guides a less experienced one. While both offer valuable support, peer mentoring emphasizes a more equal footing between the participants.




  • Counter Recidivism Through Art and Establish Peer-Mentorship Using the Mediums of Hip Hop Culture, Urban Culture & Faith- Based Systems.


  • To Establish a Method of Prevention and Aftercare, From “The Cell Block to The Street Block”.


  • Counteract Inner-City & Domestic Violence!


  • Promote Education and Reduce Teen Pregnancy!


  • To Promote Awareness and Create Interest in Alternative Rap Throughout Connecticut Region and Abroad. To The Extent That Platforms Are Established for Ministers and Artists, In Local Church Assemblies, Concert Venues.


  • To Form Partnerships and Working Relationships with Police Agencies, Businesses, Artists, Groups, Communities, Organizations, And Schools to   Positively Affect Recidivism.


  • To Become Recognized service provider of positive reinforcement and cultural mediation The Local & Regional Prison System

Power in Numbers




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