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The Future Home of The Urban Disciples Initiative, Sisters of Standard, Write of Passage Studio

The Save Our Sons Outreach Center is a dream, but we believe that dreams come true! And with the help of individuals, businesses, corporations, agencies churches and other community stakeholders we know that this dream can come true!

Presently and historically; we function out of ad hock locations like churches, libraries, public parks, basements and bedrooms. At other times we rent party/ theater venues, and meet at other meeting spaces. We look forward to be able to have this space.


  • We Envision a Location where The Sisters Of Standards can have a formal meeting, planning and campaign launching location.

  • We Dream of a formal place where The Urban Disciples Initiative would operate and function.

  • Our Vision is having a location where The Write of Passage Studio fully functional in operating capacity.



The cost to build a youth center with a modest 200-500 seat theater, a video production studio, and a music production studio can vary significantly depending on various factors such as location, size, materials, labor costs, and specific requirements for equipment and amenities. However, a rough estimate could range from $1.5 million to $3 million or more.


Here's a breakdown of potential costs:


1. Theater: Construction of a theater with 200 seats would involve expenses for building materials, seating, lighting, sound system, stage equipment, and possibly acoustics. This could range from $500,000 to $1 million or more.


2. Video Production Studio: Building a professional-grade video production studio would require investments in soundproofing, lighting equipment, cameras, editing stations, green screens, and other necessary technology. Costs could range from $200,000 to $500,000 or higher, depending on the level of sophistication.


3. Music Production Studio: Similarly, setting up a music production studio would involve costs for soundproofing, recording equipment, mixing consoles, instruments, software, and acoustic treatment. This could range from $100,000 to $300,000 or more, depending on the studio's size and capabilities.


4. Additional Facilities and Amenities: Don't forget to budget for common areas, offices, restrooms, storage spaces, HVAC systems, utilities, and any additional amenities like rehearsal rooms or classrooms.


5. Consultation and Permits: Factor in expenses for architectural design, engineering consultations, permits, and legal fees.


6. Contingency: It's wise to set aside a contingency fund of around 10-20% of the total project cost to account for unexpected expenses or changes during construction.


Keep in mind that these estimates are rough approximations, and actual costs may vary based on your specific location, design choices, and other factors. It's crucial to work with experienced architects, contractors, and consultants to develop a detailed budget and plan for your youth center project.

Power in Numbers




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