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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We regard your privacy is of the highest importance to our organization.  We want you to know  about how we use, store, and protect their personal information.The information we collect, whether it be email addresses, names or phone numbers, why you collect this information, we only be used to our communication with you, and will not be sold or used fraudulently.

Safety and Security

This is our safety and security section, and is part of our privacy policy...


As is whit your privacy, your security is of the highest importance to our organization. We have take painstaking detail to submitting to highest standards of protection so that you information is guarded and that you can safely interact with our website with is be through donations, contacts, or other information sharing. Below is details about our some of our sites protection measure

Safety Data Encryption

Our data in transit encryption uses HTTPS, TLS 1.3+ AND AUTOMATIC SSL, WHILE DATA AT REST USERS AES-256-- The strongest encryption standard commercially available.

This site is compliant with the highest payment card industry data standards, supported by anti-fraud protection, to safeguard payment info and protect transactions.


Third-Party Risk Management

Our site provider operates a strict TPRM program to ensure vendors aligned with security standards.

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